Hello Rebels,
Greetings and welcome back to my blog. It's been a minute...a really long hot minute.
The past few months since my last post have been ones I'd never forget or get over in a hurry. I've had the best reasons to laugh, smile and cry; all at the same time. A toast though is in order as I have finalized plans to launch my lifestyle brand Life of a Rebel Inc which would  be creating awareness about mental health and issues relating to it, also I'd be relaunching my clothing brand House of MBL Fashion and Beauty Empire; its been a long time coming and it's finally here. The unplanned months of break were in a way much needed but at the same time a heartbreaking loss in transmission cause I missed you guys terribly. How have y'all been? I know we have got a lot of catching up to do.

One of the reasons I have been AWOL is that my Dad has been sick for some time now and I I have had to take care of him. He's suffering from Metastasis Carcinoma of the Prostrate (prostrate cancer) and is currently at stage 4; he got diagnosed in 2013 but kept it hidden from the family till 2016 which is actually when I found out myself. Needless to say it was a devastating, heartbreaking and life changing news. I watched my life take a U-turn backwards, my plans and dreams crumbled right before my eyes and the worst part was that I couldn't do anything about it; I was helpless. 

Well, 2018 hasn't exactly been going as planned; its been actually a whirlwind of a ride. With so many losses one being that of my great friend Josephine which was unexpected, no one saw it coming. The worst part is that I wasn't even there to hold her hand; I cried my eyes out for days, blamed myself ceaselessly and kept thinking what I could have done differently to prevent it but I take solace in the fact that she's at a better place. She's at rest, she's at peace and free from all the pains. She battled with Kidney failure which led to complications but she fought long and she fought hard. She was a fearless warrior even in the face of death, she embraced life. I still can't believe I'm talking about my friend in the past tense but she lives on.

Loss is one thing that has been constant this year that I've at a certain point in time come to expect it, it doesn't make it any easier tho having to wonder and ask yourself 'who's next'? Being afraid of taking calls from family and friends cause you don't know who the bearer of the bad news maybe and what gravity of bad news they would be bearing; I lived in fear of death at a certain point. Counting the loss of 8 family members and friends has been dreadful but death is an inevitable end for everyone. Who, when, where and how remains the ever constant question. 

During this period of loss, one thing that kept me sane was working on and putting finishing touches to my lifestyle brand. I'm someone who's battled with mental illness for the better part of my life. I honestly can't remember not having had mental problems ranging from depression to anxiety to anorexia to panic attacks to the ever constant mood swings. Mental illness is associated with a lot of stigma in the society, its something that the better part  of the world's population suffers from but its seen as a taboo to acknowledge or even talk about it. Working on this project has been really challenging physically and emotionally considering it's very personal to me. I've had negative feedback that nearly knocked me off my grind, I've had people laugh at me and tell me I didn't know what I was doing or talking about. Being called crazy has been a constant factor on this journey but seeing the number of people who struggle with mental illness and need help but are scared to admit and seek necessary help has been a motivation; wanting and needing to tell my story has been the greatest motivation. Mental illness is just like every other sickness out there, it shouldn't be seen and treated differently and negatively by the people or society. It is curable! Its not a life or death sentence! Its nothing to be ashamed of! 

With this, I'm announcing the official launch of my lifestyle brand Life of a Rebel Inc. on the 30th of October, 2018. The official merch would also be on sale.

What has been your biggest fear and loss this year? Have you lost anyone close and dear to you?

What's your take on mental health and illness?

Xoxo_Rebel D. 🌷


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