Wednesday Whispers: Silence Is Golden!

Hello Rebels,
Welcome to the second drop in the 'Wednesday Whispers' series. I nearly didn't make this post for personal reasons but I promised y'all consistency, so here it is...
Growing up I wasn't the extroverted, loving and outgoing kid everyone assumes I was. I was the exact opposite of all those things, I was a mean spirited child. I kept to myself as much as possible, I never spoke to anyone who didn't speak to me, I was so much of an introvert I never ventured outdoors unnecessarily except on errands. Hence I never had childhood friends whom I played with or was close to, I was deemed unfriendly; funny enough I still am deemed unfriendly by certain people. Sum it all up to say, 'I didn't have friends and really didn't want any'.
Coming from a very conflicted childhood and background; conflicted being the word not traumatic, I was a very angry child. I was always angry at everything and everyone and no one seemed bothered enough to know why I was always angry. I assume they either didn't know, notice or didn't care enough to find out why. Guess we'd never know or would we?
Anger was literally the only emotion I had, it oozed out of my pores and I guess it was my own little way of being rebellious or seeking attention but was I really? I remember I could go a whole day without speaking to anybody else but my siblings and people whom it was necessary to talk to. I had a funny way of silently communicating when I didn't want to speak and I still do (laughs hysterically).
I found solace in my silence,
I found freedom in my shell,
I found liberty behind my wall.
Everyone says, 'anger just like acid, does more harm to the vessel than good' but they forget that anger also has to find a way of channeling itself. The vessel just has to choose how and where to channel it; positively or negatively, it's a personal choice that the bearer must make. I made mine and although it wasn't so positive at first, things turned around real quick. If there's anything I've learnt through my battle with anger, it's that anger easily; I repeat very easily turns to hate and that is something one doesn't just let go of. It may be hate for something, someone or worst case scenario yourself (self hate). Instead of just wasting away, wallowing in anger, frustration and hatred; find something positive and channel all those energy into it. It might be your education, career, business, charity or what not but please make sure it's something meaningful and worthwhile.
My battle with anger isn't one that is truly over but I'm confident that I'm taking the right steps and in the right direction. Anger isn't something that vanishes overnight but you can start by choosing to truly let go! That, is the very first step in the right direction. You don't have to fight it alone, surround yourself with loving and caring people, people willing and ready to help you grow, who love you for you without judgement.
Till the next one, keep spreading the love.
Peace is the gospel,
Love is the religion.
Or is it the other way round?
Anyways, y'all get the message.
Your friendly neighborhood rebel,
XOXO-Rebel D. 


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