Wednesday Whispers: The Beginning of the End.

Hello Rebels,
Welcome to the first drop in the 'Wednesday Whispers' series. Let's go back to the very beginning, how it all started...
At age 7 I had a dream, it was more of a nightmare and weirdly enough I haven't forgotten this particular dream till date. My maternal grandmother was ill and was being taken to a hospital. On arrival at the hospital, I was the attending doctor, a Doctor! Unfortunately, she died during the course of treatment and I had tried my darnedest to keep her alive. I woke up screaming, sweating and crying profusely; my parents rushed to my room and after narrating the dream, they dismissed it telling me it was just a mere nightmare. I couldn't go back to sleep and I surely couldn't get it out of my head.
A couple of days later, my grandmother showed up on our doorsteps without notice and was really sick. Three days later she passed away; I was devastated and this would eventually become my first major loss in life. I still cry when I recall that dream and as thoughts of her flood me, I'm particularly close to tears as I write this. After her funeral, I decided I wanted to become a medical doctor and that I'd never let anyone else I loved or cared about die. I guess a part of me blamed myself and still does, the 'what ifs' are endless. Could I control fate? Could I make death powerless?
During the course of my primary school education, I was that child who fought for practically everyone even strangers that I didn't know and would never meet again. I vividly remember that I used to wait outside the school's gates after school hours for anyone who dared mess with my younger siblings. I wasn't about to let my siblings be bullied and yeah you guessed right, the culprits got their asses whooped and handed to them.
Secondary school was a totally different ball game, I fought less; actually just twice cause I sure as hell didn't want to get expelled from school for fighting. I started to learn and understand what 'Diplomacy' really was. My vision of becoming a medical doctor led me to the sciences, yes I was a science student and luckily I was good at them.
After graduating secondary school, I couldn't get into the university immediately. No matter how hard I tried, they didn't want me and I really tried. After three consecutive attempts in two years to study "Medicine and Surgery", I gave up. This became my first experience with failure and it left a very bitter taste in my mouth, the first of many to come. I had thrown in the towel on my dream of becoming a medical doctor and I definitely didn't want to ever compromise or have that taste again. But could I avoid it? Was the inevitable actually evitable?
For those of y'all wondering what I did for over a period of two years; I read and watched a lot of movies, got more addicted to junk food, travelled a little, made a few friends here and there; most of whom I've lost contact with and I helped my mum run her business in my own little way. Yeah, that just about sums up two years of my life that I thought were wasted years. Were they really wasted? Overtime I have realized they weren't actually wasted.
Till the next one...
Don't forget to keep being real. Drink lots of water and mind your damn business.
Your friendly neighborhood rebel,
XOXO-Rebel D. 


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