Hearts Don't Break Around Here. 💔

Did I hear someone just say Valentine's Day? Wine? Check! Chocolate? Check! Boyfriend? Not sure, nowhere to be found. *laughs hysterically*

I'm slopped down comfortably on the couch with remote in one hand and I'm flipping through TV channels looking for something interesting. And Bam! I come across *drum rolls please*
"The Bachelor" actually it was "Bachelors in Paradise: Season 2".
Wow! How embarrassing is it to express one's feelings less talk of a serious feeling like LOVE in private? Then imagine doing it on National Television for the whole freaking world to see! I actually get dizzy from the mere thought of it! 😱😵

Watching this TV show actually reminded me why I've chosen the single life. Yeah, it's get lonely sometimes but men, have you got your dignity and integrity intact. How the hell am I gonna come on National Television and get my heart broken! I think I'd rather do that shit in the privacy of my bedroom or something. Then cry em tears in the comfort of my bathroom. *just saying*
Yeah, I know some people wear their hearts on their sleeves and stuff unlike me that we ain't even sure I got a heart in the first place but menh! After watching "Ashley I." cry like some dumbass little baby who got her toy stolen and watching Vinny, Nick, to name but a few get the boots treatment; I think I'd stick to my lifestyle and do what I know how to do best.
And I'll honestly suggest they learn how to do the same. 💘
Well, this is just me putting in my two cents. If you've by chance seen the show, do leave your insightful comments and what you think of it in the comment section.
It's still your favorite girly tomboy with them swagger. 😘
XOXO-Rebel D 🌹


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