"This is literally my year in review.... 2017 is the only year i continued, the year i made progress, the year i stepped out of my cage of self righteousness and low self esteem, the year i started loving God and leaving a life of adventure.
          You see am that girl who always hid behind others, followed the rule others did, never wanted to step out of the line because i didn't want to get trampled on, mama did everything for me, till i left the comforts of my boarding sch only to realise that i wasn't ready for the world, it is not a herd out here is a bloody stampede, you gotta fight to survive or get trampled on.
          Oh, how was i not trampled on, my parents and i had the dream i was to be a doctor (doctors make a lot of money), laughing out loud i guess i learnt my lesson.. 2013: i didn't want to write jamb, i was confused on which school to go, parent tells me to write jamb, tells me the school to put, I wrote, I failed..
2014: I wrote another jamb, i passed entered school, remember i was aiming for medicine, so i schooled for a year, dropped out, it wasn't medicine..
2015: I wrote another jamb, i passed, by now i thought i had what it takes to take care of myself, I didn't my callousness lost me the admission... So i switched to a school of nursing.. Passed the entrance, but now i was addicted to starting new things that i didn't care about continuing...
2016: wrote yet another jamb, my parents no longer care, am solely on my own, whether i passed or failed is my business, left to them i should drop out and learn a business, this year was the worst i had to think of what i really wanted, i was afraid of being responsible, of my inability to continue, result came out, i passed.
2017: I fought for my place in school, then relaxed moved slowly in school, after all , as usual am going to spend only a year in this school and drop out, Man was a wrong...
        You see, when you fight once, you get to love the rhythm of the war. I found myself fighting more and more, and i loved the fight. I rose from being trampled on to being part of the stampede(am not in front of the stampede yet but am getting there).
         Slowly, i discovered that i can make rules and people would follow, i discovered that i don't have to hide behind other anymore, i had a statement of my own, my esteem rose, the standards of others don't apply to me.
I now know the image i have in me, the image God distilled in me, people still have misconceptions about me but is better than having misconceptions about myself.
        Am continuing into 2018, and keeping up the fight, and keep winning till i breath my last and after that."
When she sent me her story I was beyond wowed, I was baffled. I asked myself, "how did she find the strength to keep fighting after so much disappointment from life?" I guess YOU NEVER KNOW HOW STRONG YOU ARE UNTIL BEING STRONG BECOMES YOUR ONLY OPTION.
I just want to use this platform to encourage myself and others out there, it isn't over until it's over. Failures and disappointments are a part of life not the end of it. You've got to stay strong no matter what, you keep fighting until you win that battle.
You're a QUEEN.
You're a KING.
XOXO-Rebel D 🌹


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