
Showing posts from April, 2018

Wednesday Whispers: The Beginning of the End.

Hello Rebels, Welcome to the first drop in the 'Wednesday Whispers' series. Let's go back to the very beginning, how it all started... At age 7 I had a dream, it was more of a nightmare and weirdly enough I haven't forgotten this particular dream till date. My maternal grandmother was ill and was being taken to a hospital. On arrival at the hospital, I was the attending doctor, a Doctor! Unfortunately, she died during the course of treatment and I had tried my darnedest to keep her alive. I woke up screaming, sweating and crying profusely; my parents rushed to my room and after narrating the dream, they dismissed it telling me it was just a mere nightmare. I couldn't go back to sleep and I surely couldn't get it out of my head. A couple of days later, my grandmother showed up on our doorsteps without notice and was really sick. Three days later she passed away; I was devastated and this would eventually become my first major loss in life. I still cry when...

Let The Adventures Begin...

Hello Rebels, So sorry I've been AWOL. I needed sometime to myself to get my thoughts and act together. But thankfully, we're back on track! My 22nd birthday was fabulous in its own right; I literally spent the day at the dentists', I got a birthday cake from someone I had known previously for just two weeks and it was a much appreciated gesture as it was the first time someone has ever gotten me a cake for my birthday. I initially planned to get a tattoo for my birthday and spend the day at home sleeping but things turned out the way they did, so... After a lot of thoughts and soul searching, I've decided to start a weekly series on my blog and it's gonna be called...*drum rolls please*... "Wed nesday Whispers". I'd be sharing true life stories with y'all; mine and others whom have motivated me on this journey. I will finally open up and tell my story head on with no regrets or fear of judgement. So if you've got a judgemental bone in your ...

How Does One Let Go?!

Hello Rebels, Right now as I sit down to write, I'm filled with so much hurt, anger and frustration. Why do I feel this way? I never cared and I still don't. I thought I had everything figured out and under control but turns out I'm far from it. For the past couple of weeks, I've been feeling this way. Some days it gets better and other days, it worsens. Am I missing something? Everything seems to be going crazy or is it just me? Is something wrong with me? As these questions run through my head I want to cry but the tears are no where; they aren't forthcoming. I feel so stuck right now! I've always dealt with everything angrily. I've so mastered the art of turning emotions into anger that I have anger seeping out of every pores on my body. But I'm beginning to question my emotional technique; silence they say is golden but I can't help wondering if ANGER and SILENCE are kinsmen. They say mind the things you say when you're angry cause words on...