Wednesday Whispers: Insecurities and more.

Hello Rebels, Welcome! Welcome!! Welcome!!! Thank you all for coming on this journey with me and sticking with me thus far, I'm everly grateful. . . . A lot of people look at me on a daily basis and go, "Girl, I wish to have your level of confidence" or "You're overly confident, that must be a good feeling. Not giving a care what people say or think about you, I wish I could be more like that." But what they don't know is that it wasn't always like that and sometimes it still isn't. Insecurities have always been one constant in my life. Funny right? The badass queen of not giving a f**k had and still has insecurities? Well, go figure! Cause even the president of the world's largest economy has his own insecurities. President Trump is after all being trolled for being bald headed and going for a hair transplant. Being insecure which is synonymous with vulnerability isn't such a bad thing at all; it's something every living,...